Nutrolin® HIP & JOINT tahnan syonti


Olemme ensimmäisenä yrityksenä maailmassa onnistuneet tekemään kalaöljystä stabiilin tahnan, tarkemmin sanottuna oleogeelin. Näin kehitimme aktiivisesti vaikuttavan kantoaineen, johon pystymme lisäämään ravintoaineita, jotka eivät liukene öljyyn.

  • Nutrolin® GUT & FLORA
    Tukee vatsan hyvinvointia
  • Nutrolin® TEETH & GUMS
    Tukee suun terveyttä
  • Nutrolin® HIP & JOINT
    Tukee nivelterveyttä
Nutrolin® omegatahnat








Uutuus! Kala-allergisille koirille ja kissoille: Nutrolin® OMEGA SENSITIVE™

Kala-allergiset lemmikit ovat joutuneet katsomaan sivusta, kun muut nelijalkaiset ovat saaneet hyvää tekeviä kalaöljyn omegoita. Täydellinen tasa-arvo toteutuu, kun Nutrolin® tuo markkinoille turvallisen vaihtoehdon myös allergikoille.

Labradorilauman hammashuolto helpottui

Koirien hammaskiven ennaltaehkäisyyn sopii Nutrolin® TEETH & GUMS.

Pieksämäeltä Pariisiin ja takaisin

Kenttäratsastaja Veera Mannisen olympiaprojekti kesti kuusi vuotta.


Today, on the 4th of October, we celebrate World Animal Day!⁠
The mission of World Animal Day is to raise the status of animals to improve welfare standards around the globe. 🐾⁠
Here at Olini Ltd, Animal Day is celebrated every day throughout the year 💚 Please give your furry friend some extra treats and cuddles today!⁠
#Nutrolin #Nutrolinlife #worldanimalday
📣 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻: 𝗡𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗻® 𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗔 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘™ 𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗹𝗴𝗮𝗲 𝗼𝗶𝗹
A safe omega-3 DHA and EPA supplement for pets with fish allergies.✓ All the same health benefits as in high-quality fish oil.
✓ An excellent source of omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids that are especially important to puppies and kittens, ageing pets and pets suffering from osteoarthritis
💚 Source: microalgae – low carbon footprintRead more about the new product on our website!
#OmegaMonday: What are Omega fatty acids, and why do we and our pets need them? 🧐 What are linoleic acid, EPA and DHA? Our product developer, Mikko Griinari, in the pic with his horse Nestori, wrote a brief key to Omega fatty acids to help you understand their different roles. Have a look at the blog post on! 💡⁠
#Nutrolin #NutrolinLife #omega #fattyacids
#dairythursday Nutrolin dairy’s resident rooster had to visit the vet due to an eye infection. He was a super brave and easy boy even though this was his first doctoral appointment 🐓#nutrolinlife #nutrolin #kukko #lemmikkikana #lemmikkikukko #petrooster
Did you know there are hundreds of different fatty acids? The right omegas for different needs can help support your dog's joint, skin, fur, heart, and brain health for years. Nutrolin® has made this easy for you - we know the omegas; you pick the product based on your dog's needs. The proactive journey starts when they are tiny puppies 🐾#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #omegas #doghealth #koiranterveys #hundhälsa #saksanpamenkoira #schäfer #germanshepherd #hundliv

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